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(832) 600-3221

Suzanne's Band

Suzanne's Band


Entertainment Veteran Owned Business Music ARTS, CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT Women Owned Business


Americana Country-Blues combination Suzanne's Band is the official vehicle driven by Katy Texas based singer/songwriter Mia Suzanne Walker. Suzanne’s career highlights include her recent acceptance into the Recording Academy (Grammy’s) and her rapid development as an established You Tube artist. Suzanne’s live shows are a blend of music covering the last seven decades and are usually a mix of classic rock pop and country. Booking is available as a solo duo trio or full band act. Suzanne’s original songs are also woven into the set list. The non-genre specific approach to Suzanne’s songwriting creates an entirely different basis to build on along with introspective ideals and the importance of self-worth laced into the lyrics. If you're looking for a deeper connection to life through music Suzanne's Band is it!    


Mrs Mia Suzanne Walker
Managing Member

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